For example:

@Before(value = "execution(**)) && target(registry) && args(registration)", argNames = "registry, registration") is an interface.

In JVM the code is OK, but it does not work built with native-image (Spring 6.0.11), unless I change it to:

@Before(value = "execution(**)) && target(registry) && args(registration)", argNames = "registry, registration")

Comment From: sbrannen

I imagine you'll need to register runtime hints for ConsulServiceRegistry so that it can be determined via reflection within a native image that it implements ServiceRegistry.

See if that line of thinking helps you resolve the issue.

If not, please provide a minimal example application that we can run ourselves -- preferably a public Git repository or a ZIP file attached to this issue.

Comment From: imgoby

this is the project:

its dependency is

The relevant class is this:

     * The pointcut expression for {@link ServiceRegistry#register(Registration)}.
    public static final String REGISTER_POINTCUT_EXPRESSION = "execution(**)) && target(registry) && args(registration)";

     * The pointcut expression for {@link ServiceRegistry#deregister(Registration)}.
    public static final String DEREGISTER_POINTCUT_EXPRESSION = "execution(**)) && target(registry) && args(registration)";

I'm trying to modify it to an implementation class.So, some codes were changed to : public static final String REGISTER_POINTCUT_EXPRESSION_CONSUL = "execution(**)) && target(registry) && args(registration)";

Comment From: imgoby

I imagine you'll need to register runtime hints for ConsulServiceRegistry so that it can be determined via reflection within a native image that it implements ServiceRegistry.

See if that line of thinking helps you resolve the issue.

If not, please provide a minimal example application that we can run ourselves -- preferably a public Git repository or a ZIP file attached to this issue.

Yes, the runtime class maybe ConsulServiceRegistry or EurekaServiceRegistry or NacosServiceRegistry or ZookeeperServiceRegistry.It is defined by user configuration

Comment From: imgoby

I understand a bit now. I may need to make the necessary modifications like this

    @ConditionalOnBean(name = "")
    public class ConsulAspect{}
    @ConditionalOnBean(name = "")
    public class EurekaAspect{}

Comment From: imgoby

Is that right?

Comment From: sbrannen

I don't think @ConditionalOnBean will provide any benefit for the scenario you're encountering.

Rather, I was saying I think you'll need to register runtime hints for the use of reflection (for evaluating your AspectJ pointcut expression) within a GraalVM native image.

Comment From: sbrannen

Potentially related issues:

  • 28711

  • 30529

Comment From: imgoby

Can you provide some sample code?

Comment From: imgoby

import org.apache.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfig;
import org.apache.dubbo.config.spring.context.annotation.EnableDubbo;
import org.springframework.aot.hint.MemberCategory;
import org.springframework.aot.hint.RuntimeHints;
import org.springframework.aot.hint.RuntimeHintsRegistrar;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ImportRuntimeHints;

public class ProviderApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    static class ServiceRegistryRuntimeHints implements RuntimeHintsRegistrar {
        public void registerHints(RuntimeHints hints, ClassLoader classLoader) {


Is this OK?But I should write the final implement class in my code.

Comment From: sbrannen

Is this OK?

Yes, I was suggesting something like that.

Though, I don't think you need to register all MemberCategory values to get it to work.

In any case, can you please confirm that ServiceRegistryRuntimeHints allows your aspect to work properly in a native image?

But I should write the final implement class in my code.

I don't understand what you mean by that. Can you please expound?

Comment From: imgoby

Is this OK?

Yes, I was suggesting something like that.

Though, I don't think you need to register all MemberCategory values to get it to work.

In any case, can you please confirm that ServiceRegistryRuntimeHints allows your aspect to work properly in a native image?

But I should write the final implement class in my code.

I don't understand what you mean by that. Can you please expound?

Previously, it was just an interface called org. springframework. cloud. client. serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry,and there are several implementation classes,such as,

Is it written here as follow? hints.reflection().registerType(, MemberCategory.values()); hints.reflection().registerType(, MemberCategory.values());

Comment From: imgoby

This is the file I want to modify, even if I use RuntimeHintsRegistry, @Before will not be triggered.

Is something wrong?

Comment From: imgoby

@ImportRuntimeHints is not working in my project and the issue cannot be resolved. Therefore, I divided the original classes into four. The project is now working normally.