The recent introduction of ReactorNettyClientRequestFactory brought a naming inconsistency with ReactorClientHttpConnector as well as HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory: it would rather have to be called ReactorClientHttpRequestFactory. However, there is also ReactorNetty2ClientHttpConnector, so ReactorClientHttpConnector could also be named ReactorNettyClientHttpConnector instead. To wrap it up, HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory could be named HttpComponentsClientRequestFactory (dropping the repeated Http from the interface name, just like in ReactorNettyClientRequestFactory).

Comment From: rstoyanchev

@jhoeller, see #33411 proposal to address this issue.

Comment From: jhoeller

I am going with the simplest possible renaming: just ReactorNettyClientRequestFactory to ReactorClientHttpRequestFactory, leaving all other class names as they are. This achieves local consistency within thehttp.client` package which is the most important part.