According to rain.drop in kakaopay, it appears that UriComponentsBuilder#fromUri has a bug where it fails to recognize hostnames containing underscores (_) due to a limitation of In contrast, UriComponentsBuilder#fromUriString successfully parses these hostnames using URI_PATTERN.

For example, UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(URI("kakaopay://payweb_tab")) results in a null host but payweb_tab becomes its authority, unlike UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString("kakaopay://payweb_tab") says its host and authority are both payweb_tab.

This issue arises because adheres to RFC 2396 and RFC 2732 but does not conform to RFC 3986, which allows underscores in hostnames as per the URI_PATTERN. This inconsistency can lead to problems when parsing such URIs with the standard URI class, potentially resulting in the getHost() method returning null.

Comment From: pivotal-cla

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Comment From: pivotal-cla

@yhkee0404 Thank you for signing the Contributor License Agreement!

Comment From: bclozel

Thanks for the proposal, but I don't think we should add a special case for this; has a specific behavior and we should not change it because it would create inconsistencies. fromUriString uses a different parsing algorithm. We will refine our documentation and stance on this matter in #33542