Affects: Spring Boot 2.4.2

Hi, I've noticed that multipart/form-data does not include a content length when the request is created with multipart/form-data . This has caused an issue with trying to access a route that requires a content-length to be set or else I get a 411. I've created a small demo to recreate the problem which can found here

I also saw that #26046 appears to be the same issue as mine but it is closed. Is this possibly something that can be fixed in a future version so that the content-length is set automatically for multipart/form-data? I've tried setting the content-length myself in multiple ways but the closest I got was being off by about 10 bytes.

Comment From: rstoyanchev

It is not easy to compute a content-length. It requires serializing and buffering the entire content in memory, which is hardly ideal for a multipart request in particular. Granted we may know the length of a Resource (e.g. a file), but we'd still need to serialize headers, multipart boundaries, and all other parts with their content to know the content-length of the entire request.

Can you elaborate on "trying to access a route that requires a content-length"? For a multipart request that doesn't seem like a reasonable requirement.

Keep in mind also that we do set the content-length on individual parts where the length is know. For example for a file Resource I would expect the part headers to have a content-length. That is a more feasible expectation I think.

Comment From: JoeBalduz

There's an API route I need to access where if the Content-Length header isn't set on the http request, I get a 411 error and I'm not able to upload my file, along with a string, to that route. I don't control that API, so I've had to switch to using RestTemplate in order to send that request however I'd prefer to not use RestTemplate since it is blocking.

Comment From: rstoyanchev

The FormHttpMessageConverter also doesn't set the content-length for a multipart request. Can you elaborate?

Comment From: JoeBalduz

I'm not exactly sure where the content-length header is being set when I use RestTemplate but I can see in wireshark that it has a content-length header and I'm no longer getting the 411 error when sending a request to the API I'm accessing and the request is working. Here is how I'm using RestTemplate:

val headers = HttpHeaders()
headers.contentType = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
val httpEntity = HttpEntity(, headers)
val response = restTemplate.postForEntity("url/im/accessing", httpEntity,

Comment From: JoeBalduz

I can also update the demo I have to add RestTemplate as one of the choices if that would help.

Comment From: rstoyanchev

Yes that would be great, thanks.

Comment From: JoeBalduz

The demo has been updated with a route that uses RestTemplate

Comment From: rstoyanchev

Thanks. Indeed the RestTemplate applies BufferingClientHttpRequestWrapper which buffers the entire request body which might require quite a bit of memory depending on the overall size and the number of concurrent requests.

The same can be achieved with the WebClient also by buffering. We don't have anything out-of-the-box but you can write one. I tested with the below for example:

class BufferingFilter : ExchangeFilterFunction {

    override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
                .body { message: ClientHttpRequest?, context: BodyInserter.Context? -> request.body().insert(BufferingDecorator(message), context!!) }

    private class BufferingDecorator(delegate: ClientHttpRequest?) : ClientHttpRequestDecorator(delegate!!) {
        override fun writeWith(body: Publisher<out DataBuffer>): Mono<Void> {
            return DataBufferUtils.join(body)
                    .flatMap { dataBuffer: DataBuffer ->
                        val length = dataBuffer.readableByteCount()
                        headers.contentLength = length.toLong()

Comment From: JoeBalduz

Awesome, that worked. Thanks for the help!

Comment From: EstebanDugueperoux2


I have same issue and I don't know Kotlin. Is it possible to have same filter in Java?

Best Regards.

Comment From: rstoyanchev

I suppose we should just make such a buffering ExchangeFilterFunction available. @EstebanDugueperoux2 could you create a new issue?

Comment From: nidhi-nair

@rstoyanchev I was unable to find a relevant issue for this, but have implemented an equivalent filter function in my project. May I open an issue to contribute a buffering ExchangeFilterFunction addition to this repo?

Comment From: rstoyanchev

@nidhi-nair, sure we can consider that.

Comment From: kozel-stas

Java example, I will leave it here, maybe it will help somebody.

public class MultipartExchangeFilterFunction implements ExchangeFilterFunction {

    public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(@Nonnull ClientRequest request, @Nonnull ExchangeFunction next) {
        if (MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.includes(request.headers().getContentType())
                && (request.method() == HttpMethod.PUT || request.method() == HttpMethod.POST)) {
                            .body((outputMessage, context) -> request.body().insert(new BufferingDecorator(outputMessage), context))
        } else {

    private static final class BufferingDecorator extends ClientHttpRequestDecorator {

        private BufferingDecorator(ClientHttpRequest delegate) {

        public Mono<Void> writeWith(@Nonnull Publisher<? extends DataBuffer> body) {
            return DataBufferUtils.join(body).flatMap(buffer -> {
                return super.writeWith(Mono.just(buffer));



Comment From: Pro456458

Hi I come across to this issue 26489 "Spring WebClient multipart/form-data does not include a content length" . Provided solution working fine and inside ExchangeFilterFunction, content-length is well calculated in case of uploading file in a single chunk. But in case of uploading file in multiple chunk (for large size) it started failing and giving exception {The length of the file input stream does not match the provided length. Expected: X, Actual (approximate): 'Y' "} Could @rstoyanchev @bclozel @sbrannen @nidhi-nair @spring-projects-issues one help me to provide the solution how to calculate the content for each chunk

Below is code snippet for reference

public Mono<Object> publishFileUsingChunks(Mono<DataBuffer> dataBufferMono, String generatedFileName, String accessToken) {

        this.webClientBuild(); // initialize webclient.builder

        Mono<InputStream> inputStreamMono = -> dataBuffer.asInputStream(true));

        log.debug("dataBufferMono to inputStreamMono ... and the given filename :: "+ generatedFileName);
        return inputStreamMono.zipWhen(
                inputStream -> {
                    try(BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream)) {

                        int chunkSize= 40485760; //40MB (approx)
                        byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkSize];
                        int length = 0;
                        Mono<String> fileUploadResponseMono = null;
                        while((length = != -1){
                            log.debug("upload in chunks has been started and length:: "+ length);
                            byte[] inpBuf = ArrayUtils.subarray(bytes, 0, length);

                            Mono<String> resp = importFile(accessToken, inpBuf, generatedFileName);

                            if(fileUploadResponseMono !=null){
                                fileUploadResponseMono = fileUploadResponseMono.zipWhen(
                                        fileUploadResponse -> resp, (fileUploadResp, response) -> response);
                            }else {
                                fileUploadResponseMono = resp;
                        return fileUploadResponseMono;
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new CMSWriteServiceException(e.getMessage());
                (inputStream, uploadResponse)->  uploadResponse


    private Mono<String> importFile(String accessToken, byte[] inpBuf, String generatedFileName) {
        String uri=RELATIVE_URL;

        MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
        builder.part("file", inpBuf);

        return -> uriBuilder.path(uri)
                .header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " +accessToken)
                .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
                .onStatus(HttpStatus::isError, response ->
                        response.bodyToMono(String.class).flatMap(error ->
                                Mono.error(new Exception(" Error: --->"+ error)))
                .doOnSuccess( response ->
                        log.debug("uploaded multipart successfully:: {}", response)
                .doOnError(WebClientResponseException.class, error ->
                        log.error("Error Message :: {} Error Response :: {}",error.getMessage(), error.getResponseBodyAsString())


    private void webClientBuild() {

        this.webClient = WebClient.builder()
                .codecs(clientCodecConfigurer -> clientCodecConfigurer.defaultCodecs()
                .filter(new MultipartExchangeFilterFunction())
                .defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
                .defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
                .defaultHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate, br")
                .defaultHeader("KeepAlive", "true")