Changes & Considerations

  • The * symbol was already handled as a constant, but the / symbol was not. Handling this as a constant will improve readability.
  • Additionally, the * symbol was replaced in other parts of the code, but it was not replaced in OriginPattern, which caused some confusion. It seems necessary to replace it there as well.

Comment From: pivotal-cla

@khyojun Please sign the Contributor License Agreement!

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Comment From: pivotal-cla

@khyojun Thank you for signing the Contributor License Agreement!

Comment From: sdeleuze

Thanks for your contribution, I only merged the replacement of "*" by the existing public static field ALL, since the other change does not bring much from my POV. Notice we do not add @author tag for such minor change.

Comment From: khyojun

@sdeleuze "As a student, this is my first time contributing to open source, so I'm a bit unsure! In this case, does this mean I've also contributed to the Spring code? I'm asking because it's my first experience, and I'm so excited!"

Comment From: sdeleuze

Yes, you did.