I want to re-write my URL to map to a specific service path. I want to route /orders to /api/v1/ on the micro service. An example full endpoint could be /orders, and it would map to the microservice at this full endpoint /api/v1/function1.
I'm using Eureka Service Discovery, so I can't use uri. Here is my application.properties:
zuul.routes.orders.stripPrefix= true
I tried using a custom path filter as mentioned here
public Object run() {
RequestContext context = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
Object originalRequestPath = context.get(REQUEST_URI_KEY);
String modifiedRequestPath = "/api/microservicePath" + originalRequestPath;
context.put(REQUEST_URI_KEY, modifiedRequestPath);
return null;
Comment From: OlgaMaciaszek
Hello @nazrul-kabir. Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul has been out of support for quite some time now. We strongly recommend migrating over to Spring Cloud Gateway in order to avoid security issues.
Comment From: taasjord
I did it just like that, with a custom path filter, with the only difference i supplied custom configuration properties to not hard code the path on the service. And I had a specific order on it:
// Must run after the pre-decoration filter
protected static final int FILTER_ORDER = PRE_DECORATION_FILTER_ORDER + 1;
Comment From: moa-oma
When I saw this, I gave up completely
Comment From: moa-oma
Rewrite the RequestContext requestURI only using Filter before RibbonRoutingFilter
Comment From: OlgaMaciaszek
Please do not use Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul. It has been out of maintenance for years now. You're exposing yourself to security vulnerabilities by using it. Please use Spring Cloud Gateway.