hello eureka team Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I'm currently using spring4 and my configuration is customized, so I need to handle all the configuration in my I need to handle all settings in code.

    @Accessors(fluent = true)
    class EurekaInfo {
        private final String serverName;
        private final String instanceId;
        private final String hostname;
        private final String ipAddress;
        private final String preferIpAddress;
        private final String statusPageUrlPath;
        private final String healthCheckUrlPath;
        private final String healthCheckUrl;
        private final String eurekaServerPort;
        private final String registerWithEureka;
        private final String fetchRegistry;
        private final String serviceUrlDefaultZone;

        public EurekaInfo(
                Environment environment
        ) {
            this.serverName = environment.getProperty("spring.application.name");
            this.instanceId = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.instance-id");
            this.hostname = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.hostname");
            this.ipAddress = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.ip-address");
            this.preferIpAddress = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.prefer-ip-address");
            this.statusPageUrlPath = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.status-page-url-path");
            this.healthCheckUrlPath = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.health-check-url-path");
            this.healthCheckUrl = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.health-check-url");
            this.eurekaServerPort = environment.getProperty("eureka.instance.non-secure-port");
            this.registerWithEureka = environment.getProperty("eureka.client.register-with-eureka");
            this.fetchRegistry = environment.getProperty("eureka.client.fetch-registry");
            this.serviceUrlDefaultZone = environment.getProperty("eureka.client.service-url.defaultZone");

        public void toEurekaProperties() {
            // how do ?

Describe the solution you'd like Can you give me a sample code so that I can register eureka on the how do side?

so, it not work https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35409492/eureka-service-discovery-without-spring-boot

Comment From: OlgaMaciaszek

Hello @Junnyjun, the Spring Cloud Netlfix project provides integrations for using Eureka with Spring Boot applications. For any issues-related to Eureka only, please start a discussion in Netflix/Eureka instead. When you do it, please make sure you describe accurately what is your use-case, and what is the result you're looking for.