The service of the eureka client is offline after using refreshAll or refresh(beanName). My troubleshooting conclusion is that executing the refreshAll() or refresh(beanName)method will trigger multiple StatusChangeEvents and call the instance. setStatus() method in parallel to modify the instance status. My idea is to disable eureka refresh, but after turning off the configuration, the application can still receive the RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event. So are there two things to consider? 1)If I set the configuration refresh to false: eureka.client.refresh.enable=false,then EurekaClientConfigurationRefresher should not receive the RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event 2)If EurekaClientConfigurationRefresher receives the RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event, it should do a layer of filtering, such as whether the event name is Eureka

Comment From: spencergibb

Are you trying to disable refresh of a running application?

Comment From: yonyong

Are you trying to disable refresh of a running application? ^_^ That's not it.

We use Apollo as our configuration hub and hot updates to our configuration are done using springcloud's refreshScope.refreshAll(). But the refreshAll method will rebuild the eureka bean and re-register to eureka server, which is not what we want, we just want to refresh a business configuration item. So I tried to configure eureka.client.refresh.enabled=false and restarted the project. But I found that The onApplicationEvent method still receives the RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event fired by refreshAll and performs an eureka reregistration. I don't think the design is quite right, is it?

Comment From: yonyong

Spring Cloud Netflix eureka client down after invoke refreshScope.refreshAll() ? I think when configure eureka.client.refresh.enable=false,this listener should be turned off as well. Otherwise a single call to refreshAll will trigger a re-registration of eureka here

Comment From: chenguanglee

I also encountered such a problem

Comment From: yonyong

I think this should be a problem with the eureka implementation. Just turn off the eureka refresh listener, see my fix package for details: