I have a spring cloud config server(Spring boot application) that has client property files as:- 1. {application-name}.properties 2. {application-name}-dev.properties 3. {application-name}-prod.properties.
NOTE: All of these files are in gitLab currently.

Ideally, when I run my client application with dev profile it should first search in {application-name}-dev.properties and if it is not found it should search in {application-name}.properties.

I am using weblogic and when i build a WAR of my client application by using mvn clean install -P dev that is with dev profile and deploying it in weblogic, client app is able to find the properties that resides in {application-name}.properties but not in {application-name}-dev.properties.

This means irrespective of which profile i give it always searches in {application-name}.properties.

Please help as to how achieve the above functionality of spring cloud config server in weblogic?

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

Doesnt sound like an issue specifically with running on WebLogic. If you build the application as a jar does it behave differently?

Comment From: tanujtripathi

War or JAR it behaves the same. Only properties resides in {application-name}.properties are working.

Comment From: OLPMO

Could you provide a minimal demo that can reproduce the problem? @tanujtripathi

Comment From: spring-projects-issues

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