Describe the bug Please provide details of the problem, including the version of Spring Cloud that you are using.

Because of the TreeMap used here, if someone requests a yml file as is by specifying {application}-{profile}.yml format (where the yml file is hosted in git), we get a sorted output of the yml, which is sometimes not desired by the application consuming it if it is enforcing a strict order.

Sample If possible, please provide a test case or sample application that reproduces the problem. This makes it much easier for us to diagnose the problem and to verify that we have fixed it.

Comment From: spencergibb

57bcd734d11007b250f4c4aa0b0332f709bd2d13 changed it from a LinkedHashMap to a TreeMap.

Comment From: spencergibb

It was likely changed to ease testing.

Comment From: akp77

@spencergibb Any way to get around this until the fix is rolled out ?

Comment From: spencergibb

no, it's been this way for years

Comment From: akp77

Thanks for the quick turn around!

Comment From: spencergibb

It helped that your pointed directly to the line of code where the problem was 😁