I have configued Spring Boot Config server (2.4.1 version) integrated with Git repository.

Config looks valid, there is no issue during loading files from git, however when I point to localhoast:port/application/dev i get {"name":"application","profiles":["dev"],"label":null,"version":"7e67e69e075b05d9fa50e3255deef7585ed658c7","state":null,"propertySources":[]}

I turned on logging everything and I discovered, that config server downloaded file correctly and saved file somewhere in temp folder like:

`  (1)  C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp/config-repo-5493381163789847226/`

however NativeEnironmentRepository is expecting that it will be in:

(2) C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\config-repo-5493381163789847226\

which is also valid windows path.

When I turn on debugging I found out that NativeEnvironmentRepository check path (1)

against pattern (2) and it fails. So in result

"propertySources":[] is empty.

It looks like NativeEnvironmentRepository should use system File.separator...

Comment From: spencergibb

2.4.1 version is the version of spring boot, this version does not exist for spring cloud config server. What version are you using?

Comment From: bberus

im using: spring-boot-starter-parent 2.4.1

and I did not changed version of config server.

As I see in libs config server is 3.0.0-RC1

Comment From: spencergibb

I just want to point out that spring boot knows nothing of spring cloud versions. You have to manually declare which version of spring cloud you want to import.

Comment From: bberus

Yes you are right. I generated projekt thru spring.io using defaults and only dependency which I added was config-server.

So be defualt spring clouse version is: 2020.0.0-RC1

To be clear - i did not changed pom file after downloading project from spring.io, so spring cloud version is as above and in result config server is 3.0.0-RC1, which is newest as I checked.

Comment From: Fornori

Yep, I have the same issue. The error is in the line: // TODO: needed anymore? name = name.replace("applicationConfig: [", ""); name = name.replace("]", ""); The input name values is Config resource 'file [C:\Users\eyfel\AppData\Local\Temp\config-repo-2920600667286371418\pits-erp-scheduler-qa.yml]' via location 'file:/C:/Users/eyfel/AppData/Local/Temp/config-repo-2920600667286371418/'

But you try to replace the old patter

Comment From: Fornori

@bberus It's already fixed in the SNAPSHOT version: this commit: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config/commit/a2087e05fb1e000cd34dac9ee006aa4cf059c429

Comment From: bberus

so what version of spring-cloud-config-server should I use?

Comment From: Fornori

    springCloudBomVersion = '2020.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
    springCloudVersion = '3.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
    springCloudSecurityVersion = "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT"

Comment From: bberus

ok I can confirm that in 2020.0.0-SNAPSHOT is working fine. looks like ticket can be closed.
