Hi, If I use the spring.config.import=optional:configserver in my application.yml (and no bootstrap.yml) then I'm facing the following issue:
How can I deactivate the spring.config.import in my test classes?? It does not work with properties disabling like "spring.config.enabled=false" I need to test without configserver. Please advise
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Did you forget to provide the issue?
Comment From: Miles-Ahead-Digital
I want to keep the TestCases and my StandardRuntime in the Spring Default Profile wich contains: spring.config.import=optional:configserver
If I run my tests (without having the config server startet), the Test fail because it tries to use the config server. But for the TestCase there is no need to get the yml-config file from the ConfigServer - it works without it..
Best regards Stefan
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Can you provide a complete, minimal, verifiable sample that reproduces the problem? It should be available as a GitHub (or similar) project or attached to this issue as a zip file.
From my understanding that is not supposed to happen.
Comment From: Miles-Ahead-Digital
i created https://github.com/Miles-Ahead-Digital/milesahead/tree/master
you can verify that the spring-profiles do not have any impact on the selection of the values served
Check the Readme.
Best regards Stefan
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
@Miles-Ahead-Digital Not sure I understand how this sample demonstrates the issue. Your original problem stated that you were having problem with tests failing due to the conig server not running. I don't see how this sample reproduces that problem.
Comment From: Miles-Ahead-Digital
@ryanjbaxter I added a TestCase in the Demo Module. Please read the instruction in the projects readme. Best regards Stefan
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
The problem you are having is because you are using the wrong properties in your application.yam. Change it to this and everything works
spring.application.name: demo
import: optional:configserver:http://localhost:8888/
message: default-local
on-profile: test3
message: test3-local
on-profile: test10
message: test10-local
Comment From: Miles-Ahead-Digital
Thanks for correction. Of course this must be applied also to the files in the config-repo folder too.
The good thing is that the config server serves now the configuration as expected. Try http://localhost:8888/demo/test1 http://localhost:8888/demo/test2 http://localhost:8888/demo/test3 http://localhost:8888/demo/test4
if you start the demo service without profile the default profile config http://localhost:8888/demo/default is served correctly. Check http://localhost:8080/message.
But starting the demo service with any other profile than default we get this error:
Property 'spring.config.activate.on-profile' imported from location '[ConfigServerConfigDataResource@6d8792db uris = array
This has already been reported:
If it is the same issue, you can close this one as a duplicate.
Thanks Stefan
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Agree appears to be the same