main class
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class GiantApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(GiantApplication.class);
application.addListeners(new Log4J2SpringEnvListener());;
The configuration file is bootstrap.yml,
The debugging results of idea found that when use nacos or spring cloud config
, the method was executed twice as shown in the figure:
the first:
Second : Log4J2SpringEnvListener is gone.
What i need to Do something so that custom listener is called before LoggingApplicationListener. But custom defined Listener needs to be able to use the environment.
I used Google Translate and it may be difficult to understand,
Thank you for reading all this question!
Comment From: np7sky
it work for me; in src\main\resources\META-INF\spring.factories
But I don’t want to configure more locally, Is there any other way?
Comment From: spencergibb
This is an artifact of the legacy bootstrap system. There is no easy fix. Using the new spring.config.import
in 2020.0 (aka ilford) is the way to avoid this problem.
Comment From: spring-cloud-issues
If you would like us to look at this issue, please provide the requested information. If the information is not provided within the next 7 days this issue will be closed.
Comment From: np7sky
Hope we all have a bright future! Come on!
Comment From: spencergibb
As I said before, this is an artifact of bootstrap. There's no way to fix it. The new spring.config.import avoids this.
Comment From: np7sky
If it is not easy to fix, it can be added to the future plan. As for whether to close the problem, it depends on the long-term consideration of the spring cloud team. I have no other opinions