Describe the bug I've create two projects:
- Spring Cloud Config Server with H2 database as a backend
- Spring Boot simple app that acts as a Spring Cloud Config Client. Fetch properties & auto refresh working great,
This is the properties table:
Once I navigate to http://localhost:8888/client/dev/latest
I get:
"name": "client",
"profiles": ["dev"],
"label": "latest",
"version": null,
"state": null,
"propertySources": [{
"name": "client-dev",
"source": {
"my.value": "Hello world"
According to the doc:
And if I navigate to http://localhost:8888/client-dev.json
I get an empty {} (the same for yml or properties - just an empty response)
Any help how to fetch an entire application configuration for specific profile?
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Can you provide a complete, minimal, verifiable sample that reproduces the problem? It should be available as a GitHub (or similar) project or attached to this issue as a zip file.
Comment From: shaikezam
Hi @ryanjbaxter thanks. Not sure if this is relevant, but this is the Git Hub repo -
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I cannot get the config server to start successfully, can you please provide a minimal example that demonstrates the problem and instructions on how to reproduce the problem with the example
Comment From: shaikezam
Hi @ryanjbaxter
I added a README
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Duplicate of
Comment From: shaikezam
Thanks @ryanjbaxter
It's still didn't fetch me the URL of /{application}-{profile}.properties (/{label}/{application}-{profile}.json working)
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I know I closed this because it is the same problem as another issue already open
Comment From: shaikezam
Thanks @ryanjbaxter Any estimation when this will fixed?
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I'm going to take a look at it today. There is a workaround in the issue I referenced to change the matching algorithm
Comment From: shaikezam
Thanks @ryanjbaxter
The workaround spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy=ant_path_matcher
still didn't resolved the URL of /{application}-{profile}.properties
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I added spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy=ant_path_matcher
to the server in your sample and went to http://localhost:8888/teva/ and got the properties
Comment From: shaikezam
Thanks @ryanjbaxter So as me, but it still didn't fetch me the URL of /{application}-{profile}.properties http://localhost:8888/
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Right you are missing the label in the URL
Comment From: shaikezam
Thanks @ryanjbaxter
But I want properties of entire application + profile without label.
According to
You support /{application}-{profile}.properties
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Without specifying a label the default will be master
the label in your DB is teva
, there is no data with a label master
Comment From: shaikezam
thanks @ryanjbaxter So it will be /master/client-dev.json when I execute the API http://localhost:8888/
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
Correct those would be equivalent