The property spring-vault.version specified in spring-cloud-config-dependencies is using version 3.0.0, but project spring-cloud-vault updated the property to 3.0.2. Not sure, if this property is actually required, as spring-cloud-vault-dependencies is already defining this property. Maybe it would be possible to either remove the property or align the version to 3.0.2.
Comment From: ryanjbaxter
I updated the dependency but I don't see where you are seeing us use spring-cloud-vault-dependencies
Comment From: dietzsch
Hi @ryanjbaxter, maybe I was not precise on this. The property spring-vault.version is specified in spring-cloud-config-dependencies and also in spring-cloud-vault-depedendencies. It was originally bumped in spring-cloud-vault-depedendencies, but had no effect, as the property from spring-cloud-config-dependencies was used. Anyway, thank you for updating the property.