Currently, the response from config server contains the profiles used to make the call.

  "name": "foo",
  "profiles": [

As part of ongoing ConfigData changes, it's useful to know the specific profile associated with the property source if applicable. See #1795. This matches profile against the name, but if available in the response, no string matching would be needed.


Comment From: spencergibb

Change would be used here

Comment From: ryanjbaxter

As part of this work we should not return profile specific property sources when no profile is requested.

Currently with any EnvironmentRepository that relies on using NativeEnvironmentRepository (Git and SVN) we use Spring Boot's ConfigDataEnvironmentPostProcessor to load configuration data from the file system.

However the ConfigDataEnvironmentPostProcessor will activate any profiles it finds in those property sources if for example or spring.profiles.include is used. This means even if the config client requests config data before any profiles are active that the config server could return profile specific property sources. Ideally if the config client does not request property sources for any profiles the config server would not return those property sources and instead gather all the non-profile specific property sources determine what profiles should be active and then make a second request for the profile specific property sources.

We would need support from Spring Boot in order to implement this, see