Current Behavior

OpenAI has introduced since a while now the reasoning_effort parameter, which allows users to control the depth of reasoning a model applies when generating responses. This is particularly useful for optimizing inference costs by adjusting how much computational effort is spent on reasoning-intensive tasks.

Currently, the OpenAiApi.ChatCompletionRequest class allows for setting various options, but there does not appear to be a way to specify the reasoning_effort parameter when using the ChatClient or ChatModel interfaces in SpringAI.

Expected Behavior

It would be beneficial for the OpenAiChatOptions class to support the reasoning_effort parameter, enabling users to configure it directly when making requests.

Example usage:

var promptOptions = OpenAiChatOptions.builder()
    .reasoningEffort("low") // Set reasoning effort level - available values are: "low", "medium", "high"


OpenAI documentation:


Adding this functionality would improve flexibility and allow users to optimize their use of OpenAI o1/o3 models based on their needs 😄