SpringBoot Upgrade to Spring Security 6.5.0-M2

Upgrade to Spring Security 6.5.0-M2.Comment From: teerth17can u assign this to me?

SpringBoot Inconsistent stop behavior across various Web Server implementations

Javadoc states:Stops the web server. Calling this method on an already stopped server has no effect.I reviewed all WebSe...

SpringBoot -Dserver.port not working after updating spring version from 2.2.6 to 3.3.1

when i run my jar with the command line -Dserver.port , the application does not start with the specified portit was wor...

SpringBoot Spring Boot 1.2.0 + Undertow: IllegalArgumentException: UT010043: Cannot add servlet context listener from a programatically added listener

I'm not sure if it's a Spring Boot 1.2.0 or Undertow issue.However:1. Spring should report the problematic bean name/pat...

SpringBoot Section link to Parameter Name Discovery within the Spring Boot 3.2 Release Notes is wrong

Within the Spring Boot 3.2 Release Notes, the link within the Parameter Name Discovery section is incorrect.https://gith...

SpringBoot ErrorController not called for non existing APIs after upgrade to Spring Boot 3.3.3(from 2.7.0)

Issue: ErrorController Not Called After Upgrading to Spring Boot 3.3.3Hello everyone, this is my first time raising an i...

SpringBoot Web server customizers are applied twice when creating the child management context

They're registered as beans in the child context through ServletWebServerFactoryAutoConfiguration which is registered wi...

SpringBoot Recursive queries with h2 db is not working with spring boot 3.4. It was working with spring boot 3.2.3

Hello, We have an application that exposes some APIs with spring boot 3.2.3.For DB layer testing, we used h2 db (version...

SpringBoot MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT not working with native build

Hi,I noticed it's possible to use SERVER_PORT with native build, but MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT is ignored. Didn't found doc...

SpringBoot Spring Boot reference documentation - Build failure

I am following the instructions under "Building reference documentation" in the README of the "Master" branch at:https:/...

SpringBoot Remove hardcoded knowledge of web server customisation when creating management context


SpringBoot Relocate JerseyApplicationPath

JerseyApplication path is currently in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet. Both it and DefaultJerseyAppl...

SpringBoot Using @EntityScan / @EnableJpaRepositories in a dependency breaks component scan

I have a spring-boot project A which can run on its own, or, alternatively can run "embedded" as a dependency of another...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Jakarta Annotation 3.0.0

Upgrade to Jakarta Annotation 3.0.0.Comment From: wilkinsonaThis is Jakarta EE 11 so it needs to wait till Boot 4.0.

SpringBoot Upgrade to Jakarta WS RS 4.0.0

Upgrade to Jakarta WS RS 4.0.0.Comment From: wilkinsonaThis is Jakarta EE 11 so it needs to wait till Boot 4.0.

SpringBoot Upgrade to Tomcat 11

Upgrade to Tomcat 11.0.2.Comment From: philwebbI'm not sure if we want to upgrade to 11 or not as it Servlet 6.1. If we ...

SpringBoot WebServers are not destroyed on application failure in ReactiveWebServerApplicationContext

With #34955 feature (spring-boot >=3.2.0) tomcat is not destroyed on reactive webserver application failure.Applicati...

SpringBoot Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.17.0

Upgrade to Elasticsearch Client 8.17.1.Comment From: philwebbBreaks ElasticsearchReactiveHealthIndicatorTestsComment Fro...

SpringBoot Remove Spring Boot Pulsar 4 smoke test

We should be able to remove it in 3.5.xComment From: thecooldropI would like to work on this issue. The change seems to ...

SpringBoot Missing Logs in Catch Blocks When Using Structured Logging (ECS Format) in Spring Boot 3.4.x

When enabling structured logging with the ECS format in a Spring Boot 3.4.2 (also occurs with 3.4.0 and 3.4.1) applicati...
